12 Astrological Remedies For Career Growth

Astrological Remedies For Career Growth


Are you unable to move forward in your career? Do you feel like your skills are not properly valued and appreciated? Navigating the present job market is quite challenging. 

While it is difficult to land a job, it is even tougher to get a promotion. This can feel exceedingly frustrating because it not only affects your finances but also impacts your mental health. 

However, if you accept the helping hand of Astrology that can offer you 12 remedies for growth in your career, you can achieve great progress. Read ahead to find out what they are!

Why Are You Unable To Get A Job Promotion?

Every individual has a Kundli of their own which consists of different areas or houses that indicate specific aspects of life. The tenth house of one’s kundli is the one that controls job success and career growth. 

If planets like Mars, Mercury, or Jupiter occupy this house, you will showered with financial success, an abundance of opportunities, and immense career growth. 

However, if a malefic planet enters the tenth house of your Kundli, it can hamper your career growth causing failures, dissatisfaction, and financial strain. 

Such problems can be rectified with remedies for career growth that are offered by astrology services.

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12 Astrological Remedies To Boost Career Growth

1: Worship Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi is responsible for the wealth and prosperity in your life. Hence, one of the remedies for growth in your career is to worship her regularly. 

You can do so by waking up in the morning and looking at your palms while chanting the ‘Karagre vaste lakshmi kara Madhya saraswati’ mantra. 

It is believed that the tips of your fingers are home to Goddess Lakshmi. Hence, looking at them first thing in the morning and reciting the right mantra will grant you her blessing of success in your job.

2: Feed The Crows

According to astrology, the planet of Saturn governs the different aspects of your career. Thus, if you can please and satisfy this planet, you can increase your chances of getting a job promotion, moving forward in your career, and achieving your dreams. 

You can be granted the blessings of Saturn by feeding crows because they are believed to be the vehicles of this planet. 

You can serve the birds with boiled rice or mixed lentils and be included in the good grace of Saturn.

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3: Worship Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha is often referred to as the Vighna Vinaashak which translates to the destroyer of any obstacles. 

Thus, worshipping him can be one of the remedies for growth in your job and eliminate the hindrances that are preventing you from achieving progress in your career. 

You can seek his blessing by chanting his Bheej mantra, Om Gam Ganpataye Namaha, 108 times every day with utmost dedication. If your devotion is sincere, Lord Ganesha will grant your wishes and surge your career ahead.

4: Recite The Gayatri Mantra And Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

The Gayatri mantra holds immense power to boost your career growth along with the Mahamrityunjaya mantra. 

Thus, if you want to be granted the blessings of Gayatri Maa and Lord Shiva, recite these two mantras 31 times every day. 

If your devotion and sincerity manage to please the two deities, you will be showered with immense success in your professional life.

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5: Worship Goddess Saraswati

The blessings of Goddess Saraswati can also be considered one of the most helpful remedies for growth in your career. 

If you want to be in her good grace, the first thing you must do after waking up in the morning is look at your palms. According to astrology, Goddess Saraswati resides in the middle of your palm and taking some time to focus on her can please her immensely. 

At the same time, you can chant the ‘Karagre vaste lakshmi kara Madhya saraswati’ mantra for more effectiveness.

6: Pay Homage To The Sun God

You can seek the blessings of the Sun God and make huge progress in your career. All you have to do is wake up at sunrise and fill a copper vessel with water, jaggery, green grass strands, popularly known as durva, a red flower, and a few grains of rice. 

Face the Sun and offer this up while praying and reciting the mantra of ‘Om Ghrinim Suryaye Namah’ 11 times.

7: Worship Shani Dev

Shani Dev is not just the god of chaos but also the god of Karma. Your good deeds and hard work are rewarded by him. 

However, if you fail to see any positive results in your career despite trying your best to achieve success, it is a sign to pay homage to him. 

Saturday is the most auspicious day to worship Shani Dev by reciting the Shani mantra in clean clothes and a stress-free mind. Your devotion will be rewarded by the God in the form of a flourishing career. 

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8: Take The Blessings Of Elders

Nothing beats the love and blessings of your family when you’re striving for success in your professional life. They always have good intentions for you and blessing you is a way of ensuring all obstacles from your path are uprooted. 

Thus, as one of the remedies for growth in your career, you must make it a ritual to touch the feet of your elders every day before leaving for the office. 

This ensures that their blessings and good intentions protect you throughout the day while also pushing you forward on your career path.

9: Worship Lord Hanuman

Do you think you are not adequately rewarded for your professional skills? Has it been long since you experienced any progress in your career? 

Maybe it is time to take the help of astrology services and effect change in your work life. Worshipping Lord Hanuman every Tuesday has proven to yield great results in your career progression. 

For this, you must take a lemon and pierce four cloves in it. Hold it in your hand while you chant the mantra, ‘Om Shree Hanumate Namah’ 21 times. 

After you’re done, you must keep the lemon pierced with the four cloves close to your body as you go about your day.

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10: Wear White Or Blue

If you’re worried about your career, you can soothe your mind with the gentle colours of white or blue. 

These neutral colours are not only lucky for career success but also ensure that your soul is free from any negative energies that may have been hindering your progress. 

Thus, wearing white or blue coloured clothing can be one of the most helpful Astrological remedies for growth in your work life.

11: Conduct Havans

Most hindrances in your career progression are caused by the presence of malefic planets in the tenth house of your Kundli. 

In such cases, the best remedy is to conduct the Navagraha Havan at your home. This wards off every negative energy that is hindering your growth. 

The Navagraha Abhishek is also extremely effective in ensuring change in your stagnant professional life. For this, you must head to the nearest temple and offer up your devotion and sincerity.

12: Follow Vaastu Shastra

Astrology closely follows the principles of Vastu Shastra according to which the part of your house that faces North is responsible for affecting change in your professional life. 

This is why you must place a container filled with water in that corner of the house. This container can be a fish tank or a vase as long as it has water in it. A picture with blue and white will also suffice.

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If you feel stuck in your career, it usually indicates the presence of malefic planets in the tenth house of your Kundli. 

However, their negative energies can be nullified by several Astrological remedies for growth in your career with the help of astrology. 

You can pray to various gods and goddesses for their blessings and goodwill. At the same time, you must follow certain rituals and recite specific mantras for best results.

Is your professional life not up to the mark? Do you think you deserve more success in your career? Then, accept the helping hand of astrology services offered by Dr. Sanjay Sethi and increase your chances of success in your job. If you want to bag that promotion, book a consultation with Dr. Sethi today!

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