What Does the Number 29 Mean in Numerology?
What Does the Number 29 Mean in Numerology? Have you been seeing the number 29 everywhere lately? Many people think that certain numbers in numerology relate to people and give directions, like the angel number 29. Numerology experts say that these digits are signs from the universe, signaling the beginning of something new and important. […]
What Does the Number 88 Mean in Numerology?
What Does the Number 88 Mean in Numerology? Do you keep seeing the number 88 randomly everywhere? Be it a number plate, receipts, or even your dreams? If yes, you may be wondering if there is something more to it than just a coincidence. In numerology, numbers carry powerful messages and energies. The 88 angel […]
Which Hindu God Should You Worship Based on Your Zodiac Sign?
Which Hindu God Should You Worship Based on Your Zodiac Sign? Have your life challenges ever hindered your progress? Hindu astrology suggests that every person has a deity guiding them compatible with their zodiac signs. Their guiding deities bring them positive energy that enhances happiness, financial wealth, and character transformation. Every zodiac sign is associated […]
12 Things You Should Never Do on a Tuesday
12 Things You Should Never Do on a Tuesday Have you ever wondered why Tuesdays have long been considered a significant day of the week? It’s because they’re linked to Mars, the planet of action, assertiveness, and drive. While this makes Tuesday great for getting things done, there are certain actions you should avoid to […]
Dhanteras 2024: Significance, Rituals & Puja Timings
Dhanteras 2024: Significance, Rituals & Puja Timings Dhanteras, also known as Dhantrayodashi, is an essential part of the Diwali festival, symbolizing wealth, prosperity, and well-being. On this auspicious day, families across India and other parts of the world celebrate by purchasing gold, silver, and other valuable items, believing that it brings good fortune. The festival […]
The Meaning Behind the Dream of Snake Bite
The Meaning Behind the Dream of Snake Bite Dreams have always brought curiosity and wonder. Among our countless dreams, some are very intense, like a dream of a snake bite. In many cultures, snakes have symbolic meanings, representing danger, transformation, or wisdom. So, if a snake is biting you in a dream, what does that […]
Significance of Each House Lord in Birth Chart
Significance of Each House Lord in Birth Chart In Astrology, each of the 12 houses in a birth chart is owned by a planet. Each house represents a certain sphere of life in the natal chart, such as health, wealth, and relationships. Particular planets rule these houses referred to as ‘lords,’ and the role of […]
Shardiya Navratri: History & Significance
Shardiya Navratri: History & Significance Shardiya Navratri is one of the most sacred festivals in Hindu culture. During Navaratra, it is the tradition of the devotees of India and around the world to pay dedication to the nine forms of Goddess Durga. They pray intending to get blessings for safety, wealth, and health. The traditions […]
Ruby Stone: Benefits & Rules to Wear
Ruby Stone: Benefits & Rules to Wear Ruby, also known as Manik, is considered as the king of all gems. The vibrant appearance and strong metaphysical properties of Ruby exude vitality, power, and courage. Along with its charismatic aura and unparalleled magnificence, this gem is believed to offer numerous benefits to those who wear it. […]
Angel Number 111: Meaning in Love Life, Career, and Health
Angel Number 111: Meaning in Love Life, Career, and Health Have you been seeing the number 111 randomly too many times recently? From a car number plate you saw to your food bill, is it coincidently 111? Well, this might not be just a coincident! The angel number 111 is believed to have powerful spiritual […]